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What's Included In A Rustic Gate Hardware Set?

A gate hardware set provides an easy and convenient solution for installing gate doors. Hardware sets for gates come in a number of styles and décor options, including the rustic variety. If your home or structure has a country, rural, or barnyard type of feel, installing rustic gate hardware could be just what you need to complete the look, feel, and functionality of your gate. 

The benefits of using a gate hardware set are plentiful. Having all the tools together in one place makes it easier to get the job done right the first time. Plus, using a set ensures that you won’t have to deal with missing parts and pieces. Make it easy on yourself to install a rustic gate in your home with the right hardware. 

Gate Latches

Any gate hardware set starts with gate latches. There are various types of latches from which to choose, including slide latches, gate bolt latches, slide bolt latches, heavy duty gate latches, gate thumb latches, and two-way gate latches. When putting together everything you need for your rustic gate installation, it’s best to choose the style for the aesthetic you’re going for. In this case, that would mean choosing rustic gate latches. Often available in a variety of finishes, this type of latch should come with mounting screws, making it perfect for speakeasy doors. 

Gate Latch

Gate Hinges

The type of hinge you include in your rustic gate hardware set will depend on the form and functionality of your gate. From strap hinges to spring hinges to stainless steel hinges, there are plenty of options. Keep in mind that certain hinges are best suited for different material gates. For example, T-hinges are ideal for wooden gates, as they’re a combination of butt and strap hinges. 

Gate Hinges

Gate Handles

Included in your rustic gate hardware set must be gate handles. Again, this a stylistic choice and one that comes down to your personal preference. Some gate handles have fleur de lis designs while others are more straightforward. One is not better than the other; get creative with your choices!

Gate Pull

Cane Bolts

Also known as adrop rod, this gate latch is made up of a long metal rod with a curved handle. It’s designed to attach to a gate with one or more fasteners to make it easy to open and close gates of any style or design. This type of locking mechanism provides high quality security and durability, which means your rustic gate will not only look good but it will work the way it’s supposed to as well. 

Cane Bolt


Installing a rustic gate should be a lot easier now that you are familiar with the primary components of a rustic gate hardware set. A rustic gate will not only enhance the security of your property but also enhance your home’s allure. Find all the parts and hardware you need when you shop with us at Wild West Hardware.
