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An Installation Guide Of Sliding Barn Door Hardware

Barn doors are known to provide convenience and enhance the appeal or aesthetics of a given home. That is not all, a barn door that is ideally installed will guarantee added privacy as well as extra operational space. If you are looking to know more about installingsliding barn door hardware then you have come to the right place.

Sliding Barn Door Hardware

Door Hardware Attachment

The first step involved in the installation of barn door hardware is the attachment of the door hardware. To do that, you need to mark the targeted door hardware. To begin with, you should allow some space between the track and the door to enable smooth sliding. Apart from that, it is imperative to ensure that the handle’s center is about 36 inches from the door’s bottom. Likewise, the location of the rollers must be marked accurately. It ought to lie between the top of the door and the roller wheel.

Determining the Studs

Barn doors require a track to enable seamless movement owing to their bulky nature. Therefore, it is crucial to install the drywall together with stud hardware. You can utilize a stud finder to locate the stud located right above the surface of the doorway. After determining the location of the stud, you will have to mark it with a pencil. Thereafter, you need to line the truck holes to the studs located on your targeted wall. When that is done, you will need to drill pilot holes.

Barn Door Hardware Kit

Track Attachment

The next step is to attach the track. To nail that, you will first ensure that all the track holes line up accordingly. Once that is in order, you will proceed by holding up the track against the wall surface to get your preferred placement point. After ensuring the track is straight and even, get rid of it and proceed by drilling all the marked holes that were left over. Meanwhile, you should ensure that the screw and the track are in proper alignment. Finally, tighten the screws into the drilled holes to secure the track firmly.

Installation of Stoppers

When you are done attaching the track, you will then move on to the stopper installation procedure. To achieve that, you will have to carefully slide stoppers onto the end of every metal track. You can tighten the screws using the included hardware.

Door Barn Attachment

When the track has been securely attached to the surface of the wall and the rollers are firmly attached to the door surface, you will now have to hang or attach the barn door. You will need an extra hand to sufficiently lift the door to get the rollers above the surface of the track and get them back on track. To ensure secure alignment, you will need to slowly slide the door structure back and forth.

Floor Guide Installment

Finally, you need to install the floor guide. Floor guide installation enables seamless gliding of the door and ensures that the barn door does not swing out of its intended position. The installation process involves fitting the guide feature into the groove that is located at the door’s bottom. After that, carefully mark the screw locations and secure the screws in place.

Barn Door Floor Guide

Bottom Line

Installing sliding barn doors is not rocket science. All you need is the right tools, proper accessories, and the right procedure.
